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Logo Bradesco Mobile. Ele é formado por dois símbolos: Dois retângulos vermelhos na vertical, sendo o esquerdo mais fino e menor que o direito. Acima, uma intersecção de dois arcos arabescos fazendo alusão à uma árvore. Busca Abrir

Financial Citizenship

We consider Financial Citizenship strategic for Bradesco’s Sustainability, due to its relevance for our business and our potential to make a positive contribution to the social and economic development and financial well being of society. Our approach to Financial Citizenship involves promoting financial inclusion and education, which seeks to provide opportunities for capacity building and self-confidence, thereby helping people to manage their finances and be aware of risks and opportunities. We also provide a safe and reliable business environment and make effective service channels available to all our stakeholders.

We believe that access to financial services contributes to the economic development of people and our country. So, we use our experience so that more people can have bank accounts, access to credit and other solutions focused on meeting their needs. Check out some of them (content available only in Portuguese):

APL (Local

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MEI Portal

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student account

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Click account

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(Local Productive

We are the only private Organization in the industry that participates in working groups for APLs - companies and enterprises located within the same territory and that present productive specialization with some articulation and governance. We also offer solutions designed exclusively for these businesses.

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MEI portal

We offer the MEI account, offering exclusive advantages for those who want to become entrepreneurs. But those who are already entrepreneurs and are not yet our customers can also access the MEI Portal and find support contents and solutions, as well as partnerships to formalize their business and improve their management.

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Student Account

In addition to being able to open an account without proof of income, the Bradesco’s University Student Account has products and services with exclusive conditions, such as university credit and online courses that are worth complementary hours. It also offers benefits such as: discount on cinema tickets and English courses, access to internship positions and partnership to do exchange programs.

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Click account

It is an account for young people up to 17 years old. Besides being accessible via App, Internet Banking or ATM, it is possible to program the monthly allowance and even make withdrawals. This account also has an exclusive website with simulators and tips to make money work.

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One bradesco wherever the customer is

We seek to act in an organized and connected manner, integrating the several service channels to digital media, without overlooking our face-to-face reach.

That is why we maintain a Bradesco unit in each city in Brazil: branches, service points (PAs) or Bradesco Expresso (our banking correspondents) provide access to financial services, including in remote communities – in over 1,400 cities, we are the only financial institution available.

We also have a floating branch in the Amazon region, which crosses the Solimões River, between Manaus and Tabatinga, and facilitates the lives of around 250 thousand people and the economic development of 50 riverside communities in 11 municipalities.


We are pioneers in offering a set of tools Content available only in Portuguese to guarantee accessibility and autonomy for customers with hearing, physical, visual and intellectual disabilities. Among them, we highlight the following:

Bradesco Cartões welcome kits and statements in Braille with expanded font for visually impaired customers (partial or total).

DV token
that verbalizes the numeric passwords needed to validate transactions in Fone Fácil and Internet Banking, in addition to having enlarged display and numeric keypad for the visually impaired.

Virtual Vision
reader who verbalizes information presented on the computer screen for visually impaired people who access Internet Banking.

Sign Language digital interpreter
translator of text content on the website and ATM for the Brazilian Sign Language.

#PraTodoMundoVer #BradescoAcessível (for everyone to see / Bradesco accessible) subtitles explaining images published on our social networks and that can be read in voice software or screen readers.

Affordable Bradesco ATM
equipment that offers voice software services - just wear a headset. The terminals also have tactile markings and a suitable height for people using a wheelchair.

Bradesco Digital Libras
a tool that, through 3D animation, connects managers to an internal central and a Sign Language assistant, facilitating service in branches with high demand of hearing impaired customers.

We know that just giving access to financial services is not enough to develop the economy. It is necessary that people use the available resources consciously. For this reason, our inclusion strategy allows access to financial education programs and tools. Check out some of them (Content available only in Portuguese):

Meu Bolso em Dia

We support the initiatives of the ‘Meu Bolso em Dia’ platform by the Brazilian Federation of Banks, which provides content and tools to help people improve their financial habits, taking into account their profile and the financial challenges they face.


In partnership with Banco Next, we offer financial education content for children and adolescents. The material is prepared by experts and proposes activities for children and young people between 3 and 17 years old.


Aiming to foster quality of life and financial well-being, our Corporate University has 39 solutions for financial education, available to anyone interested.

Financial education portal

Accessible to all people, the page shares tips on best practices for personal financial planning and control and provides tools, products and services that can support them in their achievements.

Foundation for Amazon Sustainability (FAS)

In partnership with FAS, Unibrad promotes actions on entrepreneurship and financial education in riverside communities of 16 protected areas in Amazonas. About 40,000 people are impacted by this initiative.

Commitment to Health and Financial Inclusion

We are committed to the UN's Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB), which has inclusion and the financial health of society as one of its main objectives.

That's why we participated in the creation of the PRB Guidance for Financial Inclusion and Financial Health Target Setting and we are committed to publishing targets with the potential to maximize our positive impact.

In addition to providing access and enabling the proper use of our solutions, we want to support people to use their financial resources in the most efficient way, so that they can enjoy quality of life, being able to meet their daily demands, survive financial crises and keep reserves for the realization of dreams and projects.

See more initiatives in our Integrated Report.

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