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Bradesco signs UN global commitment to promote financial health and inclusion

Public targets must be assumed and reported within 18 months, with annual progress reporting

Bradesco is the first Brazilian bank to sign the PRB Commitment to Financial Health and Inclusion linked to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP-FI) - an unprecedented commitment to promoting universal financial inclusion and fostering for a banking sector that supports customers' financial health.

By executing it, the bank takes over a leading role in accelerating actions for the financial inclusion, health and well-being of all citizens, converging with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, and thus, evidencing its strong social responsibility and dedication to building a more inclusive economy.

Last year, the topic 'Financial Health and Inclusion' had been identified by banks that signed the Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB) as one of the three biggest sustainability challenges in the banking sector today. In this context, the topic is treated by Bradesco as a priority, since the bank understands its importance in promoting this agenda associated with the need for well-articulated efforts to generate the desired benefits. Thus, it is expected that the bank will increasingly propose and encourage projects and initiatives that promote the offering of products and services aimed at the most diverse audiences, particularly the most vulnerable, focusing on education and financial inclusion. These actions will certainly demand transversal efforts, which begin with the engagement of the bank's own employees.

The bank has a period of 18 months to set public targets for the topic, whose construction involves joint work with other signatory banks – which the bank welcomes as it encourages transparency and gives strength to the monitoring of the agenda. More than providing numbers, the bank intends to create targets that maximize its impact on society, seeing as a way to work on prioritizing certain segments of society and products and services.

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