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Logo Bradesco Mobile. Ele é formado por dois símbolos: Dois retângulos vermelhos na vertical, sendo o esquerdo mais fino e menor que o direito. Acima, uma intersecção de dois arcos arabescos fazendo alusão à uma árvore. Busca Abrir

Governance and sustainability strategy

In a scenario of ongoing and challenging changes, organizations need to remain resilient and able to add value for customers, employees, investors and society. The management of environmental, social and governance aspects (ESG), in addition to economic factors, has become fundamental for the consistency and long-term success of companies.

We seek to continuously improve our management of sustainability-related factors, and updating our strategy is fundamental to quickly reflect the changes that occur in our surroundings.

Thus, at the beginning of 2022, considering the main challenges and global trends on the agenda, we revised our Strategic Sustainability Plan to intensify our work on topics that require transformation in our business. In this way, we defined three main pillars to promote an agenda for change:

We promote this Strategy in our management, mainly through a governance structure, clear corporate guidelines, support and engagement in the voluntary commitments assumed by the Organization.

Find out more in the sections below:

Sustainability governance groups different specialties and hierarchical levels, from Senior Management, to ensure proper management of ESG aspects.

Board of directors

Holds semiannual meetings to monitor ESG strategy, management and performance, in addition to discussing trends and defining the main guidelines on the topic within the Organization.

Sustainability and diversity committee

Composed of members of the Board of Directors and executive officers, including the CEO and the Executive Vice-Presidents, who meet every two months to evaluate ESG performance, define initiatives and outline operation strategies.

Sustainability commission

Formed by Executive Directors and Managers from different departments, who meet every two months. It is responsible for advising the Committee, in addition to proposing and facilitating new practices.

Sustainability strategy management

Aiming to ensure the success of each pillar of the Sustainability Strategy, we have an Executive sponsor, responsible for promoting the Organization’s progress in the indicators and proposed initiatives, in partnership with the other departments involved. The meetings to discuss the strategy are held bimonthly.

Dedicated teams

In addition to the Sustainability team, we have over 40 professionals who form teams dedicated to the management of ESG aspects in different Organization structures. These people are responsible for connecting and disseminating the sustainability strategy.


We maintain a set of policies and standards that guide our work on the topic, in line with the guidelines established in Resolution 4327/14 of the National Monetary Council (CMN). Check the main ones:

Scenario analysis transition risks

Study that present some of the factors that can affect the credit quality of banks’ portfolios in the transportation sector

Scenario analysis Physical risks

The study demonstrates the relevance of actions to measure and manage climate risks, especially in the real state sector

Commitment to Human Rights

Bradesco’s committment to respecting and protecting human rights in its relationships with its employees, clients, suppliers, partners and the community.

We reinforced our ESG management and our contribution to sustainable development by participating in several sectoral and multisectoral Sustainability initiatives. Once signed, these commitments are integrated into our processes, practices and businesses. Check out what they are:

Our prioritized SDGs

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) propose a development agenda for countries, companies and civil society, with goals to be reached by 2030. In line with our strategy and priorities, we have defined 6 SDGs with the greatest potential to receive contributions from our international businesses and practices. These are:

The prioritization process took place in 2019 and considered consultations with stakeholders; industry benchmark study; materiality matrix; strategic pillars for the Organization; Brazilian scenario (main social and environmental issues); reporting and performance recommendations and guidelines, among others.

The result and the prioritization process were verified by external consultants, with a favorable opinion: Environmental Resources Management (ERM) Brasil Ltda

Principles for Responsible Banking

We were the only Brazilian bank to participate in the development of the Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB), developed by 30 financial institutions from all continents, together with the financial arm of the United Nations Environment Program (or UNEP FI).

The Principles reinforce the role of banks as agents of positive transformation in society, highlighting their contributions for major national and international development agendas – such as the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement. The implementation of the commitment requires efforts by the entire Organization and transversal actions ranging from the engagement of the internal public to the establishment of sustainable business goals.

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Integrada à estrutura existente para gestão de riscos e de Sustentabilidade, desenvolvemos uma governança sobre Mudanças Climáticas no Bradesco que envolve três níveis:

  • Estratégico: Comitê de Sustentabilidade e Diversidade, em consonância com diretrizes do Conselho de Administração.
  • Executivo: Diretor Executivo responsável por Risco e Sustentabilidade, com apoio de comissões relacionadas aos dois temas.
  • Operacional: Coordenação pelas áreas de Sustentabilidade Corporativa e Risco Socioambiental, com envolvimento de diferentes dependências da Organização
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