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Logo Bradesco Mobile. Ele é formado por dois símbolos: Dois retângulos vermelhos na vertical, sendo o esquerdo mais fino e menor que o direito. Acima, uma intersecção de dois arcos arabescos fazendo alusão à uma árvore. Busca Abrir

Technology and

Companies that want to continue to exist and generate value in the long term are constantly investing time and resources in exploring technological trends and innovations. At Bradesco, we seek to anticipate changes in society and the financial industry, making innovation a part of our culture.

We invest R$ 6 billion in technology infrastructure and in digital securityContent available only in Portuguese programs annually. We have evolved in the use of agile methodologies in our projects and in the user experience concept to deliver solutions that are more friendly and consistent with everyone’s needs.

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With inovabra, we maintain an innovation ecosystem that fosters transformative solutions inside and outside Bradesco: collaborative work between our business areas, customers, startups, technology partners, investors and mentors, with the purpose of ensuring the sustainability of our businesses.

Thus, we achieve more efficient and optimized operational processes – and consequently cost reduction – new financial and insurance solutions, as well as better experiences for our customers and users, strengthening our relationship and generating trust.

MEI Portal

Built on the Open Banking model, the MEI Portal offers free training, financial solutions and other services designed to meet the needs of entrepreneurs who want to get out of informality: besides the advantages of Bradesco, the entrepreneur gets help from our partners to manage his or her business.

Innovation for sustainability

We consider Innovation and Sustainability inseparable issues. We believe in the potential of this connection – innovation is the way to deliver solutions so that our production and consumption models become more sustainable, and sustainability challenges can also represent an opportunity for innovation and differentiation. Thus, we use innovation as a way to amplify the positive impact of our activities through three areas of action:

Innovation culture

Expansion of Bradesco's and the innovation ecosystem's capacity to generate positive impact by sharing knowledge and content with employees, partner companies and startups

Impact project

Reinforcement of the positive impacts of innovation projects, whose focus is on operational advances and new businesses

inovabra ecosystem

Fostering the management of environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects in startups and partner companies and greater reinforcement to startups that provide solutions for social and environmental challenges, contributing to their consolidation within the market.

Learn more about innovation at Bradesco exploring the inovabra page and our Integrated Report.

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Ah, e pra autorizar que a BIA faça consultas e transações, acesse sua conta pelo app Bradesco e vá em Mais serviços > WhatsApp > Cadastre-se aqui. Depois, adicione o número 11 3335 0237 aos seus contatos e chame a BIA pelo WhatsApp quando quiser.


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