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Logo Bradesco Mobile. Ele é formado por dois símbolos: Dois retângulos vermelhos na vertical, sendo o esquerdo mais fino e menor que o direito. Acima, uma intersecção de dois arcos arabescos fazendo alusão à uma árvore. Busca Abrir

Climate change

Climate Change have been transforming society and the economy, with their physical (or environmental) impacts – such as increasingly severe and frequent storms or droughts – as well as those resulting from political and market changes – such as new laws or the way of consuming, investing and producing.

Measures to minimize these impacts are discussed at all political and business levels around the world. The Paris Agreement is an example of this scenario. For it, many countries – including Brazil – have set goals to reduce their emissions of gases responsible for climate change.

Aiming to ensure that our operations and businesses are prepared for these challenges, we have defined four objectives:

Reduce and mitigate the generation of greenhouse gases of our operations and manage the exposure of operational structures to climate risks

Learn more about this objective in Bradesco’s position on Climate Change.

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For 10 years, through the Ecoefficiency Management Program, we have maintained initiatives to reduce the emissions generated by our operations. However, some initiatives are even older: For example, 100% of our direct emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) have been neutralized since 2006.

In 2020, two other important steps were taken:

Pursuant to the scope of the Annual Emissions Inventory, we have also started neutralizing 100% of our indirect emissions – the first major Brazilian bank to achieve this level of emissions offsetting

With all our operations fueled by renewable energy, we were one of the first major financial institutions in the world to complete this transition

Further details about our Eco-Efficiency Management Program and the evolution in our environmental performance are available in Results and Publications. Follow us!

Offer financial solutions that support consumption and production patterns with less carbon generation and more resilient to climate impacts

Learn more about this objective in Bradesco’s position on Climate Change.

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Our greatest impact on the environment and the economy is in the way we conduct our business as a financial agent.

With this in mind, one of our focus of action is offering products and services, as well as advice, to support clients in the transition to a low-carbon economy that is more resilient to the potential impacts caused by climate change. These services are detailed in Sustainable Businesses section.

Socio-environmental aspects are also contemplated in the process of developing products and services, which helps us create solutions that generate social and environmental benefits aligned with customer needs.

Integrate the assessment of current and future climate risks and opportunities in the decision-making processes of businesses

Learn more about this objective in Bradesco’s position on Climate Change.

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For an ever-better management of climate risks and opportunities, we have participated in the development of new methodologies and tools in the last three years. We do this work in partnership with Febraban and through projects coordinated by UNEP FI, the financial arm of the United Nations Environment Program, with specialized consultants and banks from different countries.

The purpose of these actions is to forecast possible impacts resulting from global warming scenarios and their effects (environmental, political, technological and market) on the business of customers, especially those who operate in critical industries, with high sensitivity to climate change and relevant to Bradesco’s loan portfolio and for the domestic economy.

Contribute to the engagement and awareness of our stakeholders, such as employees, partners and suppliers, customers and civil society entities.

Learn more about this objective in Bradesco’s position on Climate Change.

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In order to contain climate change and minimize its impacts, it is important that everyone is aware of their role in this movement.

For this reason, we participate and promote discussions with different public, in search of joint solutions that favor a cleaner economy, more resilient to climate changes.

To this end, we also adhere to several Voluntary Commitments, focused on fostering best practices.

Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA)

In July 2021, we joined the NZBA, convened by the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP-FI). This alliance is part of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net-Zero (GFANZ). The NZBA brings together banks worldwide in a commitment to zero net greenhouse gas emissions from their loan and investment portfolios by 2050. NZBA signatory banks also commit to setting interim emissions reduction targets by 2030 or earlier, focusing on carbon-intensive sectors and using climate scenarios aligned with Paris Agreement targets.

Net Zero Transition Plan

This document presents our approach and actions related to the Net Zero commitment.

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