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Logo Bradesco Mobile. Ele é formado por dois símbolos: Dois retângulos vermelhos na vertical, sendo o esquerdo mais fino e menor que o direito. Acima, uma intersecção de dois arcos arabescos fazendo alusão à uma árvore. Busca Abrir


Our purpose is to contribute to the sustainable development of Brazil and to support all Brazilians in achieving their goals, offering diversified and accessible financial and insurance solutions.

We are committed to increasingly improving the management of social and environmental factors in our businesses and in supporting the market in the same direction, helping our customers in the transition to a less carbon-intensive economy and more resilient to the climate change impacts.

To reinforce our commitment to sustainable development, we have a corporate target of directing BRL 250 billion, by 2025, to businesses with the potential to generate positive impacts on society and the environment.

We will do this through:


Credit allocation for clients in
sustainable business sectors.

Social and environmental

Specific products and services for
assets and projects with
socioenvironmental benefits.


Consulting for banking services
with clients in selected sectors and
sustainable assets and securities.

We maintain an ongoing process for reviewing our products and services, which includes, among other aspects, the analysis of environmental, social and governance factors (ESG). This practice helps us developing solutions that fit our customers’ needs and generate environmental and social benefits.



on capital
market operations




Through own credit facilities and BNDES onlendings, we offer diversified loan options to support our customers in their challenges towards sustainability – there are over 20 solutions with social and environmental benefits. Check out (content available only in Portuguese):


We are prepared to structure customized solutions that meet credit demands with a focus on our clients’ environmental and social challenges – such as green loans and financing.

Get to know Bradesco CorporateContent available only in Portuguese work.

on capital
market operations

Bradesco BBI, our investment bank, advises customers on their primary and secondary public offerings, mergers and acquisitions, structuring and distribution of debt instruments and project finance.

Our experience in the debt securities also covers the issuance of financial instruments with environmental, social and sustainability characteristic (green/climate bonds, social bonds and sustainable bonds).


We have one of the largest private asset managers in Brazil: Bradesco Asset Management – BRAM, and a complete and differentiated list of investment funds for each customer profile. Committed to Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), BRAM has been incorporating the analysis of ESG aspects in asset management for over 10 years, in addition to creating specific products, such as ESG investment funds, launched in 2020. In our investment house, Ágora Content available only in Portuguese, we offer advice, experience, selected products and unique content to help our customers achieve their goals.

We also offer several solutions with an ESG focus. For example, for those who want to invest in shares of sustainable companies, we have the Ágora Top Green portfolio, which selects their companies from those listed in the ISE of B3.


Our insurance portfolio also offers products and servicesContent available only in Portuguese with social and environmental benefits. For example, sustainable assistance from Bradesco Residential InsuranceContent available only in Portuguese offers the collection and correct disposal of goods in disuse, such as furniture and appliances. Another example is microinsurance, such as Bradesco First ProtectionContent available only in Portuguese , with coverage of accidental death and funeral assistance available from R$ 5.50 per month.


In December 2020, we raised R$ 1.2 million in the market through a Climate Financial Bill. The resources will fund projects and assets in areas as renewable energy, energy and operational efficiency, clean transport and green buildings.

This issuance followed the criteria established in the Climate Finance Framework, based on the main international benchmarks, and went through the Second Party Opinion of Sitawi – Finanças do Bem, specialist in this type of operation.

We will monitor and disclose the positive impacts generated by this climate finance bond annually.

International Sustainable Bond

In January 2022, we issued our first international Sustainable Bond worth US$500 million. The issuance adheres to the guidelines of Bradesco’s Sustainable Finance Framework which is aligned with the main international benchmarks of financial instruments with a sustainability perspective. It includes verification and a Second Party Opinion (SPO) from Sustainalytics, a verification company specialized in sustainable businesses. Bradesco’s work in sustainable business reaffirms its commitment to serving as an agent of positive transformation in society that is aligned with its purpose and institutional commitments, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the United Nations Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB).

Aiming to monitor and manage social and environmental risks in our business relationships, we rely on robust governance, made up of standards, policies, management structure and dedicated teams.


In the credit assessment, ESG criteria are verified, with analyzes of documents and periodic monitoring, which may even restrict the total amount of resources in cases identified as slave labor or exploitation of child labor, for example.

Know our Standard and learn more about our practices through some credit and financing cases


The analysis of social and environmental criteria is also integrated into our approval process for new suppliers. Moreover, when they start a partnership with us, they commit to follow our policies and standards through specific social and environmental clauses included in the contract.

Through the Supply Chain Social and Environmental Responsibility Program, we periodically monitor the risks and impacts of this network and seek to develop it, enabling it to enhance its businesses.
Learn more at Bradesco SuppliersContent available only in Portuguese


In 2013, we started integrating ESG aspects into all asset classes at BRAM. Since then, the full team has been guided on responsible investments and, every two years due diligences are carried out both in the brokers with which BRAM operates and in the asset management houses of the funds selected to compose the funds of funds. BRAM also participates in the PRI Brasil’s ESG Practices Working Group and engages investees in topics related to sustainability.

Meet our Responsible Investment Standard and learn more about the performance of BRAM


In the businesses of Grupo Bradesco Seguros (Bradesco Insurance Group) and BSP Empreendimentos Imobiliários (Real Estate Develpments), the risk analysis also incorporates social and environmental aspects.

Check out Bradesco Seguros Social and Environmental Risk Standard and learn more about the sustainable performance of Grupo Bradesco Seguros Content available only in Portuguese

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