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Logo Bradesco Mobile. Ele é formado por dois símbolos: Dois retângulos vermelhos na vertical, sendo o esquerdo mais fino e menor que o direito. Acima, uma intersecção de dois arcos arabescos fazendo alusão à uma árvore. Busca Abrir

Social investment

As one of the largest private donors in the country, we reinforce our commitment to Sustainable Development Goals, directing our contribution to projects related to financial inclusion and sports and educational practices.

Said projects can be internal or in partnership with non-governmental organizations. They can also be cultural and sports activities, supported by our donations and sponsorships. Moreover, they can be financed through incentive laws, which foster diversity and equal opportunities.

Social and environmental investment standard

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Corporate donations policy

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Corporate sponsorship policy

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Standard for donations and sponsorships

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Fundação bradesco

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Bradesco sports and education

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Company-School integration project (PIEE)

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Musical education

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SOS Mata atlântica foundation

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Foundation for amazon sustainability

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Alignment with SDG


Created in 1956, Fundação Bradesco aims to provide quality education for children, young people and adults from social and economically vulnerable communities.

Managing over 40 own schools, located throughout the country, Fundação Bradesco annually serves more than 40 thousand students, distributed in basic education (from childhood eduction to high school), technical high school and for young people and adults. Its courses aim to ensure employability, entrepreneurship and income generation.

Alignment with SDG

Bradesco Sports
and Education

Alignment with SDG

Bradesco Sports
and Education

Through the teaching of volleyball and basketball, for over 30 years we have benefited girls aged 8 and over who are enrolled in regular education in the city of Osasco, in the State of São Paulo.

All participants in the Training Centers participate in initiatives to prevent pregnancy and the use of drugs. Furthermore, the project offers health insurance, transportation, food, scholarships and other benefits for the girls who participate in the Specialists' Center.

Bradesco Sports and Education receives more than a thousand girls annually, promoting health and enhancing talent.

Learn more Bradesco Sports.Content available only in Portuguese .

Alignment with SDG

Integration Project (PIEE)

Alignment with SDG

Projeto Integração
Empresa Escola (PIEE)

PIEE is a partnership between Bradesco Seguros (Bradesco Insurance Company) and Fundação Bradesco, which has been promoting the practice of artistic and sports activities in various modalities since 2004, in addition to specific social and environmental actions. In this project, 858 children from communities in the Rio Comprido district, in Rio de Janeiro - RJ participate annually.

Learn more PIEE.

Musical Education

Alignment with SDG

Musical Education

We promote the psychosocial development of children and adolescents in situations of social vulnerability, hosted at six partner institutions in the city of Curitiba, State of Paraná, and the metropolitan region, offering health care plans and free music education activities (such as children’s choir), which encourage self-awareness, creativity and socialization.

SOS Mata Atlântica

Alignment with SDG

SOS Mata Atlântica

As partners of the SOS Mata Atlântica Foundation, we contribute annually with donations and several joint actions for the preservation and recovery of this biome since 1989.

Learn more SOS Mata Atlântica Foundation Content available only in Portuguese .

Foundation for Amazon

Alignment with SDG

Foundation for Amazon

We are co-founders and partners of the Foundation for Amazon Sustainability (FAS), an organization that aims to the Amazon Forest valorization and the quality of life of the communities in the region.

Operating for over 10 years, FAS has helped around 40 thousand families from 581 riverside communities, contributing to an increase in their incomes and a reduction in deforestation.

Its projects include technical training for the economic use of natural resources in a sustainable manner – including care for the full productive chain of fish and forest fruits – cultural activities, financial education and initiatives to encourage entrepreneurship.

These efforts made FAS the first organization in South America to receive the Unesco-Japan Award in Education for Sustainable Development.

Learn more Foundation for Amazon SustainabilityContent available only in Portuguese .

Alignment with SDG

Our donations and sponsorships follow the guidelines contained in specific Standards and policies. For example, we do not make donations in exchange for favors and/or that appear to compensate for some type of service provided. On the other hand, we sponsor programs and projects according to our values, such as quality, safety, society and respect for the environment.

To learn more about the initiatives we support and the funds we have allocated to them, please read our Integrated Report.

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To submit your project for our review, please send email to:

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Integrada à estrutura existente para gestão de riscos e de Sustentabilidade, desenvolvemos uma governança sobre Mudanças Climáticas no Bradesco que envolve três níveis:

  • Estratégico: Comitê de Sustentabilidade e Diversidade, em consonância com diretrizes do Conselho de Administração.
  • Executivo: Diretor Executivo responsável por Risco e Sustentabilidade, com apoio de comissões relacionadas aos dois temas.
  • Operacional: Coordenação pelas áreas de Sustentabilidade Corporativa e Risco Socioambiental, com envolvimento de diferentes dependências da Organização
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